Well, my knitting has been a bit stalled out, I've ripped out more than I've knit. So, for the sake of keeping up the blog, here is the couch that is to be reupholstered:
There is a mirror image one as well. Very 50's, eh? Or maybe 60's. We're agonizing over picking fabric right now, and are on a waiting list to get the reupholstering done by someone competent.
I feel good about redoing this couch instead of chucking it and getting a new one. Although, for the amount of work and money this will be, the thought had crossed my mind.
Upholstering can be hugely expensive but it was all made so much better a few decades ago. Except fabric and stuffing eventually give out.
A girlfriend and I took an upholstering class and redid an old chaise lounge a few years ago. It came out pretty darn good!
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