Since I haven't been blogging lately, and occasionally others do stop by to say hi. Last week at work was H-E-double hockey sticks.
And just to let you know, the comments don't show up until I log into Blogger again. It's really annoying.
On the knitting front, because that is what is REALLY important in life (the job comes in handy for the yarn allowance though...): Working on Hans's hiking socks, still above the knee. Making more felted purses for xmas gifts. The bodies are so fun to knit! Some garter stitch, some stockinette while watching the colors of the noro change, and a few decreases. Voila! I've been needing this sort of mindless production. The I-cord handles are a little fussier, just because it's a pain to stop and keep measuring it against another stretchy I-cord. Yes, I know, I could count the rows. I'll try that next time.
I've been hearing the call of fabric again, so there will be some sewing soon.
And because I just can't post without a photo: A trip down memory lane to My First Sweater. Three strands of yarn held together, BabaJoes something-ply.

Chunky, rustic, and a bit scratchy. It got the boot in a recent frenzy of house cleaning. This photo is all that's left.