Sunday, November 25, 2007

Blue Shawl

Almost two months since I last posted (hangs head in shame). I've finally brought a knitting group together, and that has been helping get me out of my knitting funk.

One of my first knitting projects was a blue/purple/green shawl. My stepmom bought me the yarn for a birthday present, and at about $50, was the most I'd ever spent on yarn at that point. Unfortunately, I have no idea who makes the yarn, only that it is acrylic and cozy.

I learned to knit in 2000 or 2001, and this shawl spent most of the first part of the new millennium in my closet. It's November now, and the weather has become wintry. We keep our house cool to save electrons, and I was looking for warm clothes when I came across the shawl again. It hasn't moved from my shoulders for two weeks now. I can wrap it around and tuck the ends into my jeans pockets, or use it as a lap blanket on the couch.

notes: super big needles, and I had to tie every single fringe end with thread to keep it from unraveling.