Monday, June 12, 2006

Where have I been?

Not a big time of year for introspection. With summer sneaking in and the long days, I have energy to actually do things instead of just think about them.

My actual factual official graduation is this weekend. No ifs, ands, or buts, I'll be Dr. Martha, or, more commonly, Martha, PharmD.

So what have I been knitting? I'm still slogging away on Hempathina, and have a pair of socks by the bed that I'm not liking. I need to get inspired to start knee socks for a certain hiker. I have some of a swatch done, but I need to swatch the cables. And decide on a cable design. Et cetera.

Spinning: I'm plying the purple merino. I would like to get back to the cashmere/silk combo, but I have some silk caps that are tempting me. (Note to self: link to knitty article on spinning silk hankies)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats on graduation. I'll be doing that next year at this time. However, not a doctorate, just a masters. Keep us posted on the different knitting groups. I've always gone to the one at Perugino on Monday evenings.

4:09 PM  

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