What the heck color is this?
I keep hoping that I'll figure it out. It's kinda blue with pink/red and yellow silk nubs. But we're not firm on calling it blue. It looks gray from a distance.
After spinning this for a while, I'm thinking about color. For example, "Why didn't I figure out what color this was before I bought it?", or, "What can I make out of a color that cannot be identified?"
But I'm having fun spinning. I've gone from once every few months to almost every day. Poor quilt is getting neglected, but yarn is being spun.
What will I make? Mittens. My answer to EVERYTHING. What am I working on? Mittens. What is my next project? Mittens. Who signed the Declaration of Independence? Mittens. I was like this with socks once. Starting at the extremeties and working in? Distal to proximal?
December is not my favorite month. It pretty much blows. I get super stressed about the whole Xmas gift issue, and end up feeling like crap most of the month. Student budget is hard to buy gifts on, and I never plan far enough in advance to knit everyone I know wonderful items. Like this here:
Yes, I'm giving you a neck spasm here. This was knitted a few years ago, but I'm still every bit as proud of it today as I was then. I charted the letters and designs on graph paper before I knit it. Wowzers. The star is from Alice Starmore, I'm almost sure. The back has a little christmas tree design with some diamond lattice. The sock shape is from (martha stewart, shhh).
Someday I'll knit myself one.
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