This is as a quilt should be: functional (it makes a great dog bed), thrifty (made from REAL SCRAPS), and full of memories. I can remember some of the clothes that mom made with the fabrics in the quilt, especially the easter dresses. The color combination of pink and teal made me feel so good! I wanted everything to be those colors. (It looks more turquoise to me these days, but teal is what I loved loved loved.) I remember picking out the flannel backing in the fabric store that is now JoAnns, in those days it was a House of Fabrics.
I can't remember how much of the quilt I sewed, and how much mom sewed. I do remember that the triangles cut on the bias were stretchy, and hard to line up well with the blue middle strips, so I probably sewed those seams.
And the batting? My oh-so juvenile Raggety Ann and Andy bedspread. Using the old to make the new. Later, in my teens, I bought a plaid flannel duvet cover and covered the blanket with yet another layer. Plaid flannel being the fad of the moment, due to grunge.

Some soy silk samples from Dyelots, spun all thick and thin and loose and tight to explore the feel of it. Predictably, it is not as grippy as wool. I'm not sure whether I like it or not.

A project that has been simmering in my head for several years finally made it out:

The recycled sweater pillowcase. I'm still not super at zippers, as you can see by the curly edge. At least I wasn't completely lazy by sewing it shut.