Monday, November 07, 2005

More hat tricks...
This is the hat whose colorway looked so much more fabulous on the skein. Ah well, I think that I know someone who will like it. The camera flash sure highlights that purple!
I tried to make a flower from a pattern, but it didn't quite work, and this is my made up one: Chain 5? 7? single, double, double, single, slip stich, in 1-2 of the chain stiches.

Knitting is Punk! This is the start of my orange handspun mitts. I tried to take a pic of the beautiful skein, but it came out pixillated. Pooh.

This started out as a tube of different shades of roving (wool). I may not have confessed this before, but color mixing is not my forte. So anytime I can get someone else to do it for me, I'm happy. This made me happy.

And while I'm going picture crazy,

A wholesome way to start your day. Mittens for Hans, my pretty skein, and the black blob at the top will someday be a light whisper of a sweater. A balanced meal if I ever saw one.


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